The partners of Groasis Technology
Every company has partners, so have we. Our partner, New Generation Consulting (NGC), offers a new approach to consulting where international students work in virtual teams and act as consultants to help social organizations overcome business-related problems. We at Groasis find it very important that students develop work experience and we asked them for their help for our African Great Green Wall project. The African Great Green Wall project is a project to plant a corridor of trees of 7,100 km length. While planting so many trees, desertification in sub-Saharan Africa will be stopped while opportunities for local employement, education and entrepreneurship are created.
What are the students going to do?
The students have multiple tasks, namely:
1. Develop an independent business model, outlining KPIs, financial forecasts and highlighting the most important aspects of becoming an entrepreneur in a compelling yet simple form
a. Identify critical aspects of becoming an entrepreneur in Senegal and Ethiopia, leveraging on existing business cases
b. Develop a self-sustaining, independent business case for local entrepreneurs
c. Highlights main KPIs and establish feasible financial scenarios for different scales of operation
2. Identify opportunities for Groasis to expand its distribution system to other countries
a. Integrate existing and potential partners and outline action plan to enter the next two markets
For more information about the tasks, students and project duration, please click here.